Our Journey

Our journey with adoption began many years ago. Before Tom and I married we had discussed adoption as a desire of our hearts. Little did we know that God would use that desire so early into our marriage. We began the adoption process of our son, Josiah, in February 2009. His story is absolutely incredible and has God's fingerprints all over it! We would love for you to read about his adoption on our family blog. We were so excited to bring Josiah home in May 2010!

Josiah became a big brother in April 2012 as we welcomed our daughter Addison Ruth Allen into the world! It has been such a joy and honor to be the parents of these 2 precious little ones. However, we both still had a strong desire to adopt again. After months of prayer and research, we once again embarked on the adoption journey to bring our 3rd child into our family. In July 2013, we officially began the process to bring home a child from Guinea Bissau, West Africa.

We are so excited to know that we have a precious 1 year old daughter named Angelica waiting for us! We are waiting for the process to be finalized and to bring her home! We pray that all we do brings glory and honor to the Lord and that His name is made famous!

Again, you can follow our journey to Angelica as well as catch up on the rest of our story on our family blog.

Thank you! 

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